Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Margaret Hotel!

“Margaret Hotel?”
“Yes, Margaret here,” the voice at the other end crackled. “How can I help you?”
Shekhawat’s face lit up (pic right): “Ladki bol rahi hai!” Then clearing his throat, he spoke businesslike: “How many rooms do you have?”
Turned out that this was no hotel, but the personal telephone number of a lady who, minutes earlier, Shekhawat had been told, worked for a guest house in Lonavala. How it showed up in his cell-phone, he had no clue. Or maybe he knew, but the way some members were pestering him for a picnic in Lonavala, Shekhawat was clearly at his wits’ end. He had to find a way out… and fast. From October 4, he would be away at his village in Rajasthan and nobody was prepared to wait till he returned at end of the month. So the only weekend coming up before he leaves is September 29 and 30 and after much deliberation, it was decided that the best option open now is Lonavala – just that the guest house we had stayed in earlier is still under renovation.
Shekhawat spoke to the manager there and was told that only four rooms were in a habitable state at present. But there was a similar guest house nearby, details of which would be made available later in the day. Margaret too assured Shekhawat that she would make inquiries and let him know today. So as things stand, Lonavala is once again in the reckoning and in the event no accommodation can be identified, it will be a day trip – leave early morning and return by night. And lest anyone should start imagining that we have nothing better to do, here’s proof (bottom pic) that we exercise also!
Renu Babani's PICSPEAK:
* The travel bug has bitten everyone real hard, can't sit in one place!
* Exercises? A pretext to meet and have fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Renu Babani: Pic Speaks:

The travel bug has bitten everyone real hard, can't sit in one place!

Exercises? A pretext to meet and have fun