A problem arose on procuring an appropriately strong, yet soft rope for the tug-of-war event. Despite his best efforts, Harish Wadhwa could not find a suitable one – even with the tent wallahs of Oshiwara. We were about to abandon the idea when Arun Patil, out of the blue, produced a 50-feet long bundle used for bungee jumping. That did it. Geeta and Harish got into testing their strength in a tug-of-war with Srichand Arora playing referee. Somehow Arun got entangled in the middle and soon we had a delightful reenactment of the amrit manthan (primordial churning), much to the amusement of passersby (bottom pic). In all this, the competitive streak of some of our members has come to the fore. Many are actually weighing their chances of winning all the prizes – to the extent of questioning the participation of a few non-members and guests who appear to be physically more fit and could even have an edge over us. That the Sports Day is all about fun, somehow escapes them. At the same time, these are the people who, with the proverbial fire in their belly, can set off some major fireworks tomorrow. That will also be fun!
Jagmohan Papneja:
"On your marks": Big Laaf is calling us to the starting line!
"Get set": Big Laaf commandos prepare for what is to come tomorrow!!
"Go": Big Laaf is about to fire the starting gun for a glorious event!!!
Bhaswati Bose:
I am on the 'injured list'. But I will be the 12th man, bringing in the drinks, motivating and encouraging the participants and helping them. When they fall down, I may not be able to pull them up, but I can certainly give them a push!
On your marks! Big Laaf calling us to the starting line.
Get set ! Today Big Laaf Commandos were preparing themselves for what is to come tomorrow.
Go ! It will not be long before Big Laaf fires the starting gun for a glorious main event.
Jagmohan Papneja
I am on the 'injured list'. But I will be the 12th man, bringing in the drinks, motivating and encouraging the participants and helping them. When they fall down, I may not be able to pull them up, but I can certainly give them a push!
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