Thus, when they were repeatedly congratulated this morning for their "magnificent performance” on the field at Hyderabad, both dismissed the compliments as nothing but orchestrated leg pulling.
Even after Srichand Arora fished out his iPhone and showed them their picture in the blog, they were unbelieving.

By then Vijay Bhai had joined in, holding on to his walking stick. Arora scrolled up and zoomed in on the wicket-keeper’s face. Now Tara Chand was convinced. “But when did I wear this white shirt-pant, helmet-shelmet… Kamaal hai!” he exclaimed, studying his close-up on the iPhone and grinning (pic above).
But Vijay Bhai was not convinced. “I always wear a white cap,” he pointed out. "How did it turn deep blue?” Arora explained it was a helmet, not cap. Vijay Bhai was still foxed, unable to figure out how the colour of his cap could change. “Kamaal hai,” Tara Chand intoned again. “Here people’s body-shody is being altered and you are complaining about the colour of your cap?”
It was an amazing sight -- the look of childish wonder and puzzlement on the faces of two elderly gentlemen, innocent to the ways of digital technology. Arora promised to gift them a print each of the photograph for keeps.
The other happy event of the morning was Bapu Rane (right pic) rejoining us for the exercises. It is nearly three months since he has been suffering from acute intestinal infection and only now, after being treated by an ayurvedic doctor for the past 20 days, does he find some relief. But he has pulled down considerably and even had to alter his trousers. We welcomed him back with an extra laugh – if that should raise his spirits.
Harish Wadhwa:
* The intent of a Sunday pic is achieved when people adoring it (or their friends and relatives) share a hearty laugh. Their smiling faces today speak of the pleasure. Good work Monster.
* Wish you good health Rane-ji.
Jagmohan Papneja:
The behaviour of Tara Chand Seth and Vijay Bhai indicates a common state of mind of seniors. They are struggling to unravel the mystery behind a happening. One should tell them that everything is possible in the world of technology.
The intent of the Sunday pic is achieved when the people adoring the morphed picture, or their friends & relatives, give a hearty laugh. Their smiling faces today speak of their pleasure. Good work Monster.
Wish you good health Rane-ji.
Tara Chand Seth and Vijay Bhai behaviour indicate two similar state
of mind of seniors on looking at their own photographs.They seem to be struggling to find the mystery behind such happening.One should tell them that everything is possible in the world of Technology
Jagmohan Papneja
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