Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 1447

Pic of the Week

Twin photos of
Kuala Lumpur

Bhaswati Bose:
Razia has at last found her long-lost twin sister, Bhajiya in Malaysia!
Jagmohan Papneja:
It is difficult to make out from the photograph whether it is taken at Kuala Lumpur or in one of the studios of Pune where album photos are superimposed over the actual site. Who will uncover the mystery?
Dilip Babani:
Razia-ji, your photos are very nice -- as always, charming!


Bhaswati Bose said...

Razia has at last found her long lost twin sister, Bhajiya in Malaysia!

Jagmohan said...

It is diffecult to make out from the photograph of Razia, wheather it is taken on spot (Kuala Lumpur) or in one of the studios in Pune where album photo superimposed over the actual site.Who will uncover the mystery?
Jagmohan Papneja.

dilip baabni said...

raziya ji yours photos r very nice l7 always charming
dilip babani