Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

'Mother' Monthi in a nativity play
staged by Good Shepherd Church  
Call it an impromptu Christmas party or a celebration to mark the first Housie session (ref yesterday’s post) of the Club, Monthi Serrao ushered in the yuletide spirit this morning with happy tidings for all in the Garden. She had brought the customary cake (even an egg-less one separately for the vegetarians) and went on to inaugurate a game of Housie, thus making many richer at the end of it.
Banoo Appa receives Yusuf Rassiwala
In between, hot home-made tea flowed from the flask of Mallika Kagzi and what’s more, Banoo Appa had very thoughtfully brought orange drink to go along with lukewarm rawa halwa she had prepared early morning. This was not her festival… but that’s what Christmas is all about – an occasion to give and share life’s simple joys and pleasures, laughter and smiles. What we probably lacked were the candy canes, ivy and holly… and the mistletoe!
Hot tea courtesy Mallika Kagzi
But Razia Khan had come prepared with the Housie board and tiles and with a little help from Srichand Arora and Jagmohan Papneja, she got the ‘mistress of ceremonies’, Monthi Serrao cracking.
Monthi Serrao conducts the first Housie session
Not only those of the Club who had taken part in the exercises, but many late-comers such as Bihari Milwani, Yusuf Rassiwala and Harish Wadhwa converged at the China Hut at the last moment to celebrate the event. On a rough count, there were 30 of us having put Rs600-odd in the kitty. And the winners were Ved Prakash Grover, Kiran Prakash and Dilip Babani among others.
Who won how much cash was irrelevant because in the end, we were all winners. Never before in Club history did we have such a glorious opportunity to sit together over a game of chance, enjoy good food and rejoice in one another’s happiness – all that and more, on an auspicious day. What else can anybody ask for on a Christmas morning?
Kiran Prakash:
This morning was very special. Thanks to Arora-ji for initiating the idea, Shekhawat-ji for announcing it, Jagmohan-ji for drawing a detailed plan and successful execution by Monthi-ji and Razia-ji. The delicious halwa, soft drinks and tea by Banoo-ji and Mallika-ji were indeed icing on the cake. It was fun like never before in the Garden.
Jagmohan Papneja:
As we rejoice and celebrate this wonderful day with Hozzie,let us first convey our very warm Merry Christmas greetings to MOC Monthi Serrao. She had not only entertained us with the game but also provided nice refreshments on this auspicious occasion. A Merry Christmas once again.


Kiran Prakash said...

This morning was a very special morning. Thanks to Arora -ji for initiating the idea, Shekhawat-ji for announcing it, Jagmohan-ji and Mr. Bose for drawing a detailed plan and successful execution by Monthi-ji and Razia-ji. The delicious halwa, soft drinks and tea by Banoo-ji and Mallika-ji were indeed icing on the cake. It was fun like never before in the garden.

Jagmohan said...

As we rejoice and celebrate the wonderful day of Cristmas with playing of Hozzie,let us first convey our very warm merry Christmas to(MOC) Mrs. Monthi Serrao
She had not only entertained us with the game but also provided nice refreshment on this auspicious occasion.A merry Christmas once again.
Jagmohan Papneja