Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fun and Games

Happy, healthy turnout of 22 – evenly balanced between male and female, the regular and not-so-regular, young and not-so-young, serious and not-so-serious, talkative and not-so-talkative… in short, perfect combinations for fireworks and fun.
As usual, Srichand Arora led from the middle, but somewhat undecided today on whether to enforce discipline or be undisciplined himself. The Babani brothers, Kishor and Dilip, along with Yusuf Rassiwala added to his confusion by constantly engaging him in light banter, even when he was trying to be serious.
So when he insisted on everybody inhaling deeply and “letting out air slowly”, Kishor promptly wanted to know, “From where?” Now how could Arora let go this opportunity for a repartee… which can well be imagined. Suffice to say, he wrinkled his nose and kept his distance from Kishor thereafter!
But that did not spare him the jibes from Yusuf-bhai and Dilip, the latter giving him an occasional ‘character certificate’: “Aadmi achcha hai, dil se saaf hai!” and then taking his case yet again. Wedged between a towering Yusuf-bhai and the thickset Dilip-bhai, Arora-in-shorts stood like a confused school boy not knowing which way to look.
There, in their semi-circle, the ladies were up to their own pranks, tittering among themselves. Suddenly, during the ‘Bagair Pani ka Freestyle Swimming” round, Sushma Gupta was seen jogging up and down at one point while flailing her arms around like a windmill. Nobody dared to emulate this unique coordination between leg and arm, except for Razia Khan. She almost lost her balance and then became wise.
Variations from the usual exercise routine make for a hilarious spectacle. Dilip-bhai still misses the “lassi” number when we had to enact pouring an imaginary drink from one imaginary tumbler to another. There was also a silly Charlie Chaplin walk we did to exercise our calf muscles. Yesterday, someone was spotted exhaling vigorously while standing, as though he was pumping air into a bicycle tyre.
For all that… and more, keep checking this blog every day.

Renu Babani says:
Talk about non-stop chatter today! Oh my goodness me, the ladies definitely took the cake with their constant jibes at one another and not sparing some of the male members too. However, everything said was in good humour and no one took anything to heart. The chatter ended when everyone walked through the Garden gate, hoping to return tomorrow for another fun-filled morning.

1 comment:

Renu said...

Talk about non stop chatter today! Oh my goodness me, the ladies definitely took the cake with their constant jibes at one another,and not sparing some of the male members too. However, everything said was in good humour no doubt, and no one took anything to heart. The chatter ended when everyone walked through the garden gates,hoping to return tomorrow for another fun filled morning.