Saturday, October 30, 2010

Good. Better. Best.

The good news today is that Srichand Arora has bounced back, hale and hearty. Having created a minor scare yesterday with his sudden exit (see Under The Weather), he explained that it was nothing but a false alarm – the culprit being some oily pakoras he had consumed the previous evening which did not agree with him. He puked in the Garden and puked some more at home after downing some nimbu-pani. And now, in Rane Bhau’s language, he is feeling Tan Tana Tan.
The better news is that Hari Singh Shekhawat is better, following mounting concerns over his deteriorating health. He is responding to medication and has gone for a complete body check-up to be doubly sure. He had to however, take a break from the exercises and rest for a while on a Garden bench. His major complaint is that he does not get to sleep well at night, thus leaving him a little lethargic in the morning. It is just a matter of time before he finds his rhythm back.
The best news is Yusuf Rassiwala’s (above) return amidst a chorus of light-hearted taunts of “Late Latif” and “Gaddar”. Here is a man known for his punctuality and daily attendance, who, by his own admission has lately undergone a “change of temperament”. Plain and simple, he too gives in to a bout of lethargy in the morning. Nevertheless, he sportingly conducted the exercises – the highlight of the session being the way he took personal interest in getting a new member to go through the motions in a correct manner.
This lady, Nazma Syed (right) suffers from being overweight with an added arthritis problem. For days on end we have been observing that she was in distress while performing the exercises. Let alone stretching and balancing, even clapping was an effort for her. Yusuf-bhai stopped the exercises, asked her to follow him step by step while he stretched his arms wide and brought them together… and before long, she got it right. It was an incredibly touching moment when she could (with immense pain, no doubt) match Yusuf-bhai’s action. Instantly she was greeted by a round of applause from everybody. It was as though her achievement was a triumph for all of us.
The exercises took longer than usual today, but in a strange way, we returned home walking tall!

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