Saturday, January 09, 2016

Competitively Crazy

Shekhawat addresses the Club on his medical condition
If anywhere there is to be a pack of competitively crazy senior citizens who cannot do without meeting every morning, it has to be here at the Garden. Nothing in the world would ever deter them from showing up at daybreak for their daily dose of tomfoolery and total madness. Or so would it seem.
Shekhawat, for all his problems (ref yesterday’s post) turned up today and was up to his pranks as usual. This, in spite of all the outpouring of concern and good wishes, one elderly lady even telling him, “I am praying that you do not lose your memory!” She had to be quickly whisked away.
Such indiscretion however, does not rattle the ex-service man who has steeled himself to going under the knife, most likely next week. “I have left everything to fate,” he said jovially.
Prabha Kapoor receives memento
Dilip Babani receives calendar
“I am 76 and have lived a full life. Now, for as long as I am around, I shall continue to play the fool and enjoy myself.”
And play the fool he did – to the hilt. For instance, when asked if he was sure of his age, he invoked what his mother once told him: “Beta, you were born when there were heavy rains and we had a bumper crop in the village.” In the absence of a municipal birth certificate and the fact he was not born in a hospital,
Kajal and Dilip distribute birthday goodies
he has taken his mother’s word as gospel truth and settled for an unverifiable birth date convenient to him.
The subject of birth date came up because it was Dilip Babani’s birthday today. He has completed 57 years and celebrated this morning with his wife, Kajal and a big bag of goodies – chocolate bars, biscuits and kachori. There was tea too, as usual prepared by Mallika Kagzi. In return, all we could do was present him with the Club memento – a personalized desk calendar. Srichand Arora did the honours.
Another desk calendar was gifted to Prabha Kapoor. It wasn’t exactly her birthday today, but as she would be relocating (her son has landed a plum job in Delhi) by the month-end we felt she should carry with her something to remember us by. And what could be any better than presenting her with this keepsake calendar on a happy occasion like today's? Indeed, a very Happy Birthday once again, Dilip.

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