Monday, May 08, 2017

Course Correction!

Banoo Apa (in red) treats us to kiwi fruit juice
Here’s a poser: You are a do-gooder. People are not only grateful but adore you for it. But one person, jealous of all the adulation and goodwill you enjoy, talks rubbish on your back, badmouthing you. What would you do?
Anybody would go for immediate course correction. Either you pull up the offender in public or purchase peace by swallowing your pride and stop being a do-gooder. Or so did we all advise Banoo Apa this morning when she revealed how hurt she felt on being faulted for treating us to lassi and such refreshments after the exercises.
Actually, the issue had been brewing since yesterday
Checking yesterday's blog post
with Banoo Apa sharing over WhatsApp her anguish (if not anger) on being misunderstood. She wanted to stop being the benevolent do-gooder – something everybody endorsed this morning in the Garden, largely because of the absence of reciprocity (ref post of May 3) in any measure. After all, this could not go on forever.
As for the jealous troublemaker, Banoo Apa was told that every club and association had its share of resentful elements who thrive solely on causing grief to others. Nothing can be done about them. Even so, it would be better she stops spoiling us by her love and large-heartedness.
It finally seemed to make sense for Banoo Apa as we wrapped up for the day and dispersed from the Garden. The moment we stepped out of the gate, lo and behold, there she was with broad smile on her face, holding out glasses of chilled kiwi fruit juice! Now what can you say of such a person?
“I refuse to buckle down because someone speaks ill of me,” she declared in a defiant tone. “I will do as I please, whenever I please. I am obligated to nobody. Let’s see how anybody stops me.”
Bhaswati Bose:
Bravo Banoo Apa, that's the spirit. Keep it up!!!
Dilip Babani:
Really Banoo Apa, tussi great ho!
Kiran Prakash:
Banoo Aapa, I have no words to describe you and your generosity. Few can understand the love and affection you have for us. Such gestures by you not only require time, effort and money but lots of love for all of us. Banoo Apa, we all respect and love you too. TUSSI GREAT HO.
Bihari Milwani:
Three cheers for Banoo Apa. Tomorrow we should have a fourth laugh to appreciate her 'determination to do good work'.


Bhaswati Bose said...

Bravo, Banoo Apa! That's the spirit... Keep it up!!!

dilip babani said...

really banoo appa tusi great ho.

Unknown said...

Banoo Aapa, I have no words to describe you and your generosity. Few can understand the love and affection, you have for us.Such gestures by you not only require time, effort and money but lots of love for all of us. Banoo Aapa, we all respect and love you. TUSSI GREAT HO.

Bihari Milwani said...

Three cheers for Banoo Apa. Tomorrow we should have Fourth laugh also to appreciate "determination of good work"