Friday, March 29, 2019

Subscription Overdrive

Kajal Babani drops by to inform about the indisposition of her husband
With just two days left for the financial year (2018-19) to end, Shekhawat is going great guns with the collection drive for renewal of club membership. So engrossed was he with this annual exercise that he became completely deaf to the many taunts
Dilip Babani (file photo)
on the outcome of consulting a faith healer for his wife yesterday (see post).
Bijoy Gupta was particularly curious as he got to know that Shekhawat had sought an appointment with a regular GP in the neighborhood within minutes of meeting the faith healer. Obviously, the morning treatment in the China Hut did not work. Without refuting or confirming anything, Shekhawat simply remarked that he did not want to take any chances as he and his wife were scheduled to leave for their village (in Rajasthan) on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Kajal Babani dropped by to inform that her husband will not be able to join us for the exercises as he has to be hospitalised. “He needs to be operated upon for an acute varicose vein condition,” she explained. “We haven’t decided as yet whether it will be at Kokilaben or CritiCare Hospital.”
Dilip Babani has for long been suffering from varicosed veins – a problem that gets progressively worse with advancing age and lack of exercise. Aggravating the condition was a nasty fall on Sports Day (ref post of March 3) which, according to Kajal, had ruptured a vein in his leg. Evidently, oral medication is not helping in any way. We can only wish him the best treatment and speedy recovery.

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