Saturday, January 04, 2020

A Restless Lot

Busybodies plan out Alibaug trip
Till yesterday we were talking about the Sports Day next month. But now it seems that February 14 is far, far away. Instead of waiting so long, why don’t we plan out something in between to keep ourselves busy?
Thus, when Zarina Khan suggested going on a two-day picnic to Alibaug, everyone jumped at the idea. From Nahid Khan to Bijoy Gupta and Bhaswati Bose to Banoo Apa, Naseem Khan, Lakshmi Hadimani, Rukhsana Khan and Qadir Bano, the general feeling was that this was a now-or-never opportunity.
“We’ve never gone to Alibaug from the Club,” argued Zarina. “All we need is to book our stay in some resort or hotel for one night. And please don’t think of driving down by bus. The journey by road is easily six hours one way, even more. We will rather catch a ferry from Gateway of India. It’ll take us only 45 minutes from there to reach Alibaug.”
Zarina was speaking from past experience and hearsay. “I had gone there more than 15 years back,” she said. “We took the ferry to Mandwa jetty then.
Bijoy Gupta (l) fails to persuade Shekhawat
Recently my sons went by the same route with their families and they wanted me to join. But I did not want to disturb their privacy. I am more comfortable travelling with our Club members.”
Seeing the enthusiasm all around, Yusuf Rassiwala suggested that we don’t waste time in planning. “If you delay, the programme will fizzle out,” he cautioned. “Just decide on a date and get going. The weather is fine right now. Later on, it may become difficult. Alibaug is known to be warmer than Mumbai.”
The only dampener was Shekhawat. Despite Gupta’s persistent efforts to persuade him, he came up with multiple excuses to wriggle out. At first it was his wife not keeping well. Then he put it on his building lift which is out-of-order. Then he said his grandson had come from London and till he leaves on January 18, he cannot go.
As things stand, the excursion is fixed for January 7 or 8 depending on availability of suitable hotel accommodation. Bhaswati Bose will be checking out the possibilities. All members of the group are expected to converge at a pre-determined spot near Gateway and from there, board a ferry together for Alibaug. What happens thereafter is anyone’s guess.

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