Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Patriotic Calling

Taking a call on celebrating Republic Day this time 
The question of whether to celebrate Republic Day this year was resolved today, the general consensus being that we shall report to the Garden for the flag hoisting ceremony as usual, even as January 26, 2020 happens to be a Sunday.
Till now, a section of the Club was of the opinion that we celebrate Republic Day on its eve – or perhaps, a day later – as is the practice of several schools and commercial establishments in the city. Others suggested that we scrap the celebration this year since we had done so on a couple of occasions in the past.
“How does it matter if we are to come to the Garden on a Sunday?”
Sitaram Hivarkar
questioned Banoo Apa, settling the matter. “I would definitely like to come. It is our Republic Day and we ought to celebrate on January 26 regardless of whether it is a Sunday or not.”
There could be no further discussion after this. As per our custom, we shall assemble at about 8:00 a.m. and after raising the tricolour and singing the national anthem there will be a march past (around the Garden), followed by light refreshments and distribution of sweets. An exception may be made on holding the exercises that day.
Meanwhile, we have been informed that our senior member, Sitaram Hivarkar is in a critical condition at Bellevue Hospital, Andheri. He suffered a severe head injury after slipping on the floor (of his house) yesterday and this is said to have affected his nervous system. Further details are awaited.
Let us hope and pray that he recovers soon.

Bihari Milwani:
We should celebrate Republic Day on all the three days i.e. Saturday, Sunday and Monday. After all, it is the 70th Republic Day and we should celebrate with great fervour.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We should celebrate Republic Day on all the three days ie Saturday,Sunday and Monday. After all it is 70th Republic Day and we should celebrate with great funfair