Thursday, February 20, 2020

Another Rethink

Discussions to finalise the date of the Sports Day
Within five days of a date change, there has been another rethink in the Club on when to hold the Sports Day. Several members today expressed the opinion that Saturday, being a semi-working day, would be inconvenient for them to attend and that we should revert to the date decided
Urmila Sinha (file photo)
initially, i.e. Sunday, February 23.
This, they say, would ensure greater participation (as also the involvement) of all concerned in the event.
The date was shifted to February 22 at the behest of Shekhawat and Nahid Khan (ref post of February 15) who argued that they would rather rest on a Sunday morning instead of having to rush to the Garden as they do on other days of the week. Since most members were largely indifferent to a date change either way, an announcement for Saturday was made.
Turns out now that Bihari Milwani would have to skip the event as he has office to attend on February 22. Likewise, Kiran Prakash finds Sunday more convenient than Saturday. Yusuf Rassiwala informed that he would be unable to bring his grandchildren on Saturday as they have classes to attend in school. Ditto for Fahmida Khan’s grand-daughter. (The presence of these kids is crucial because they will have to officiate as referees/ judges, as they did last year.) Thus, as things stand, we would have to hold Sports Day on February 23, SUNDAY.
Meanwhile, we hear that Urmila Sinha may just not be returning to the Club. She left for her home town, Dhanbad to attend to the last rites of her brother in end-January and since then, has been staying put there. Yesterday, following a courtesy call (see post) from the Garden, she informed that she may not be able to come back to Mumbai. Circumstances beyond her control have compelled her to take this decision.
We shall be missing Urmila – and those cut fruits and the litti chokha she used to get us from home on festive occasions.

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