Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Retro Rewind

Today was largely a continuation of yesterday’s ‘musical morning’, but on a rather somber note. Kishor-bhai did not show up and so there was no competition for Arora-sah’b’s good old music system. With a vengeance it unleashed a series of raga-based vocals by Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Ustad Faiyyaz Khan, Aamir Khan Saheb and other classical greats of a bygone era that made many members yearn to go back to bed.
But Sitaram-ji had a ball, since this was very much up his street. Rane-Bapu was also so taken in by the music that he almost forgot exercising and with his toothless grin and one hand cupped on the ear, went on to emulate the maestros as they would have rendered the alaaps. Watching him, Dilip-bhai (right) could not help remarking, “Inka dost gaa raha hai!” Lest anybody should feel offended, he added in mock sincerity, “Masth gana hai na?”
By then, comments were flying thick and fast (much of it uncharitable) as each successive number was turning out to be a bigger drag than the earlier one. Some felt the singers were merely clearing their throat before singing, only to discover that one song was over and another had started. One lady member explained the confusion to the songs sounding similar while another was at pains trying to catch the lyrics. “Did they also talk like this in real life?” she enquired innocently.
Nafisa Syed (left) tried to visualize how these classical songs would have been picturised on screen: “As it is, the hero used to take more than an hour to get anywhere close to the heroine in those films. It was not like these days when within minutes of meeting, they go dhak-dhak at each other!” Before long, a dispute broke over the famous Bade Ghulam Ali Khan number in Mughal-e-Azam when Dilip Kumar strokes Madhubala’s cheek with a feather. Members like Hari Naraiyani insisted the song was from Baiju Bawra. Razia Khan was confused initially, then offered to lay a bet that it was Mughal-e-Azam.
Yawn… mercifully it was time to wind up.

Renu Babani says:
Looks like music seems to be the topic of debate during the mornings. Well, whatever keeps everyone active and in constant banter with each other... Hubby and I didn't attend today. Guess, decided to take the day off. Hopefully should be back tomorrow.

Anonymous says:
SOS: Kishore-bhai please come tomorrow morning with your mobile and save us from the never-ending songs of Bade Ghulam Ali.

Harish Wadhwa says:
With no disrespect to the legendary maestros, YOU can also produce your own ragas (and unleash the creative musician in you) by doing the Lion-Lioness exercise with eyes closed and little musically inclined dedication:!!!


Renu said...

Looks like the music seems to be the topic of the debate during the sessions in the mornings. Well, whatever keeps everyone active and in constant banter with each other. Hubby and I didn't attend today, guess decided to take the day off. Hopefully should be back tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

SOS: Kishore Bhai please come tomorrow morning and save us from the never-ending songs of Bade Ghulam Ali with your mobile.

Harish Wadhwa said...

With no disrespect to the legendary maestros, YOU can also produce your own ragas, (unleash the creative musician in you ! ) by doing the Lion-Lioness exercise (Laughing exercise No. 4) with eyes closed and little musically inclined dedication.