Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mere Formality

There are days when so much happens at the Garden that it is hard to keep track of all activities and highlight the main events of the morning for this blog.
And then there are the days when time stands still. Nothing much seems to happen and getting around the exercises becomes a mere formality.
Today was one such day.
With Srichand Arora, Gopvinita, Harish Wadhwa and several other key members not turning up, we were left with only Kishor Babani’s music and Nahid Khan’s wisecracks to enliven the morning.
Some like Nazma Sayed, who missed Shekhawat’s formal invite yesterday, were briefed separately on the reasons for his Saturday house-party. He beamed with obvious pride as he recounted his son’s achievements as a dialogue writer for television. Such moments are a joy to behold.
Harish Wadhwa says:
Hum oonchi chai par Shanivar ko toh ayenge hi, Raghuveer bhai, apun ko ek hero ka role bhi mangta hai apke serials mein! Apun ke liye bhi ek role likhne ka... kya?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ham Oonchi chai (high tea !))par Shanivar ko to ayenge hi, Raghuveer bhai, apun ko ek hero ka role bhi mangta hai apke serials mein...! Apun ke liye bhi ek role likhne ka..kya ?.

Regards Harish