Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Whoever coined the phrase, ‘fox’s wedding’ should have visited the Garden today. It was nice and windy there. The sky was clear except for clumps of white cumulous clouds floating about. Only Bapu Rane noticed a huge, dark mass approaching menacingly from the north-west horizon. “It will rain heavily,” he pronounced.
Before he could complete, it had begun to splutter. Not wishing to take chances, we suspended the laughter round and hurried towards the Chinese Hut (right pic). We had barely got in when the skies opened up and it poured. The winds howled, throwing the blue canvas flaps asunder and showering us with water sprays while we continued with the free-hand exercises. All hell broke loose for about 40 minutes. Magically, just when we had finished, the dark cloud passed away and it was bright sunshine once again!
This was no fox’s wedding. This was madness. This was one big, fat gorilla's wedding!
POST SCRIPT: In all the hullabaloo over the sudden downpour, we had clean forgotten that it was Nahid Khan's (left) birthday today. This never happens with us. But then she too is to blame in a way. She has been keeping away from the Garden for long without letting any one of us know. Well, wherever she is, this is wishing her a long life, good health and all happiness.
Renu Babani's PICSPEAK:
"We shall follow each other where ever the road leads!"
Harish Wadhwa:
Nahid-ji is frowning because we forgot her birthday. Don't worry, Nahid-ji, we are waiting for the month-end party from the people born this month (irrespective of the year) to wish you a grand Happy Birthday!


Renu said...

Pic Speaks:
We shall follow each other where ever the road leads!

Harish Wadhwa said...

Nahid ji is seen forwning in this picture to express her displeasure on we fogetting her Birthday. Don't worry Nahid-ji, we hav'nt forgotton your Birthday. After all, we are waiting for the month end party from all the people who were born in the month of June, (irrespective of the year), to wish you a grand Happy Birthday. LOL