Thursday, August 09, 2012

Anxious Moments

Bapu Rane (below left) was in a terribly animated state this morning. He had lost his cap. So the first thing he did upon entering the Garden was lodge a complaint with Hari Singh Shekhawat. After that he started accosting all passersby, even total strangers -- “Mera topi dekha?”. He was about to grab the watchman by the neck when he noticed the cap dangling from a rafter in the Chinese Hut.
But that was hardly the end of it. For all through the exercises he kept grumbling, pulling up anyone not wearing a cap, demanding that a uniform blue t-shirt be supplied by the Club… till a sudden hush descended on the group. A frail and unshaven Hari Naraiyani was being slowly escorted into the Garden by Kishor Babani.
We all knew that Hari-bhai was unwell (see post of August 7), but for him to have pulled down so drastically in a few days was shocking (pic above) beyond words. And then we realized that it was his birthday today. In spite of his illness, this 85-year-old gent had thought it necessary to celebrate with us. He had stuffed two big bags with biscuit packets and lozenges and accompanied by his son-in-law, came to the Garden in an auto-rickshaw.
Even more touching was his sincerity in thanking everyone profusely for enquiring about his health and wishing him well. The good news was that the white spots detected in his lungs, is “nothing serious”. He said that last evening, much to his relief, his doctors had cleared him of the possibility of tuberculosis -- as was suspected initially.
But still, Hari-bhai needs rest. He needs to take it easy for a while, regain his strength and bounce back, fully charged with renewed vigour. We all want to see him happy, in the pink of health. It was extremely thoughtful of Srichand Arora and Kishor to conduct a special prayer (bottom pic), literally ‘begging’ the Almighty to grant him a long, healthy and peaceful life. Yes Hari-bhai, we all wish you the very best. Many happy returns of the day!
Renu Babani's PICSPEAK:
* "I told you I shall be back, nothing can stop me now!"
* "Mera topi, sirf mera hai!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Renu Babani: Pic speaks:

I told you I shall be back, nothing can stop me now!

Mera topi, sirf mera hai!