Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Keeping the Routine

An early pre-dawn shower cleared the skies, enabling us to exercise out in the open. A small patch in the Garden had also been cleared, saving us the hassle of negotiating the tall, knee-high grass growing wild all around. Still, there were many anxious eyes looking out for an unusual movement in the grass since rumours are rife about a snake or two slithering about in the dense undergrowth.
Srichand Arora and Nahid Khan did their bit to lighten the atmosphere with occasional jokes and repartees while conducting the exercises. These days, in the absence of any other ‘teacher’, it has become incumbent on them to take charge of the proceedings every morning. Others like Razia Khan and Yusuf Rassiwala are on an enforced break because of their Ramzan fasting. Our only other option is Sitaram Hivarkar, but in spite of being told to come in time, he is invariably late or does not show up at all.
Hari Naraiyani’s condition (yesterday’s post) continues to be worrisome and dominated the discussions after the exercises. Unfortunately, we can just about empathise and beyond comforting him on the phone, there is little else we can do. Let us hope and pray that he is back on his feet at the earliest.
Renu Babani's PICSPEAK:
* Discussions at the Garden.

1 comment:

Renu said...

Pic Speaks:
A random meeting at the garden grounds to discuss various topics.