Thursday, August 16, 2012

Love Blossoms

Come monsoon and romance blooms in the Garden. Nothing wrong with that. It is always pleasing to the eye when senior citizens flirt among themselves, cozy up on the benches, have their little tiffs, talk incessantly one day and turn glum the next… Even a kid can tell the status of a relationship watching them.
Of course, no names can be taken. But one couple deserves mention. The lady has been coming to the Garden for the past three years or so. Tall, mid-thirtyish, slightly plump but pretty (in a geeky sort of way, with spectacles) she has the air of a spinster about her. She turns up unfailingly in black trousers and white t-shirt, has no friends and speaks to no one in the Garden. In every sense, she's been a loner.
Enter Prince Charming, a retired army colonel who turned up first day with a set of golf clubs and started whacking the air for several days – till the tract of land he ‘played’ on was taken over for a cricket pitch. That was four months back, in April. Ever since, he has been more heard than seen as he engages all and sundry in loud conversation on the walking track.
Predictably, he had to hit on our lonesome lady and wonder of wonders, she is responding. She is not only smiling and talking, but has acquired the proverbial spring in her step. Today she appeared particularly upbeat, walking with her chin up, head held high, catching up with the fast-walking fast-talking colonel, flicking the imaginary hair off her face every two seconds… Clearly, something was cooking, but the colonel was to abruptly disappear at the Gate.
As we waited for the next act, Kiran Sajjan produced a box of laddoos to celebrate her birthday (lead pic). Srichand Arora, Monthi Serrao, Geeta Sardana and other absentees deservedly missed them. But they can surely join us in wishing Kiran many happy returns of the day – good health, long life and many more laddoos in many more birthdays to come.
Harish Wadhwa:
Do you see the pleasant smiles of celebration on the face of the two leading ladies? This is what sharing and caring is all about. Kiran-ji, a very Happy Birthday to you and thanks for the nice laddoos. Whose birthday is it next (for the laddoos) by the way?
Renu Babani's PICSPEAK:
* "Laddoos for everyone! After all, it's my birthday and nothing like a celebration."


Harish Wadhwa said...

Do you see the pleasant celebration smile on the face of the two lead ladies of today's pic ?. This is what sharing & caring is all about. Kiran-ji very Happy Birthday to you and thanks for the nice Laddoos. Who's Birthday is next (for the Laddoos) by the way ?.

Anonymous said...

Renu Babani: Pic Speaks:

Ladoos for everyone, after all it's my bday and nothing lije a celebration