Saturday, November 17, 2012

Scaredy Cats

The morning began like any other, except that Srichand Arora (bottom, left) was nowhere to be seen. Yesterday also, he had not come. Word went around that he was tied up with an ailing relative and probably, could not take time out for the exercises after all the running about during the day.
And then, he was sighted!
Bapu Rane was the first to sound the alarm and instantly all eyes turned to the gate. There was Arora, jauntily making his way into the Garden. Everybody froze. Even Nahid Khan stood transfixed with her mouth open, momentarily forgetting that she had suspended the exercises. The reactions were electric and hilarious at the same time; it had to be seen to be believed.
For the first few seconds, Santosh Tyagi just could not imagine that it was indeed Arora who was fast heading in her direction. In total confusion, she forgot the exercises, threw up her hands, did a quick turnaround and rushed to a bench to retrieve her cap. Before she could put it on, Renu Babani and Sunita Jajodia were up on their feet, craning their necks like lemurs on the alert. Quickly they scampered to their places. Till then, they were comfortably relaxed on the bench, chatting merrily while the exercises were on. But the best was from Jagmohan Papneja, who too had abandoned the exercises and gone away on a stroll. Suddenly he materialized out of nowhere and took his position in the circle before Arora could join in!
Arora had brought along printouts of the programme for the March 2013 trip, as finalized with a tour operator. But before Shekhawat could take it up, Santosh began her jokes narration (lead pic), soon to be followed by Kishor Babani. And then there were the demands and counter-demands for the Diwali party which spilled over into the tea session outside the Garden (pic above). As of now, it has been decided to have the party on Monday, November 19, 2012.
Harish Wadhwa:
* Chai mood wasn't as bad as it is showing in the pic. But yes, men are distancing themselves from the women... after one lady member declared that Eve was beautiful but a dumbo to have fallen for Adam. Our hearts are hurt and need to be assuaged by retraction of the statement, preferably over a nice cup of tea at her home.
* Arora-sa'ab, we will pray that the clouds of despair over your near and dear would move away and that they will all be fine very soon. We could see the pain and concern in your face today -- as is visible in the photograph as well.
Renu Babani:
* "Listen to my jokes today. It will make your day!"
* "Do I look so scary to you? I'm not that strict."
* "Let me see what is in the papers today... if I can comprehend!"


Harish Wadhwa said...

Chai mood was'nt as bad as it is showing today in the pic, with all drooping faces. By the way when did Hari bhai take to “Sutta” ?. At least the pic shows him enjoying it, even though we all know there was none.

Men have started distancing themselves from the women during Tea or vice versa, since the time 'Eve' was declared beautiful but a dumbo (idiot), to have fallen for ‘Adam’, by one of the lady members. Men's heart is hurt and needs to be cajoled to normalcy, by retracting the statement over a cup of Tea at home.

Harish Wadhwa said...

Arora saab, we will all pray that the clouds of ill-health of some of your near and dear will soon fly away, and that they will be fine very soon. We could read the pain & concern in your face today, also visible in your pic.

Renu said...

Renu Babani:Pic Speaks:

Listen to my jokes today, it will make your day!

Do I look so scary to you..I'm not that strict.

Let me see what is interesting in the papers today, If I can comprehend