Saturday, February 09, 2013

High Spirits

Hari Singh Shekhawat was in high spirits. He did his medical check-up yesterday and more significantly, his son, Raghuveer has had a successful angioplasty at Hinduja Hospital the day before. The procedure took inordinately long, but at the end of five agonising hours, the family must have been much relieved. So today, it was only natural that Shekhawat should be in a celebratory mood.
But that is not why everyone looks at him with suspicion these days. He claims to have given up the ‘golden liquid’ for good from February 1, 2013, but with every passing day, his behaviour appears increasingly childish if not tipsy. Nahid Khan (also in pic) could not help remarking that “if he should be so uncontrollable being off-drinks, what would be his condition were he to be still on-drinks!”
It was all in jest though and no offence meant – whether it was his needling the ladies for the Himachal Tour next month or on narrating how he could get the ‘langot’ of someone who owed him money or the elaborate ceremony every time he makes a refund... But what took the cake (and the bakery too) was when he startled Nahid by going up close to point out that her outfit was not all-black as others were saying. There were some shades of grey as well!
How we wish we too were able to retain the child-like innocence of a golden hearted simpleton.
Jagmohan Papneja:
It is a strong belief of mine that God helps those who help others and it is true of Shekhawat-ji. I am glad he and his son are fit and fine.

1 comment:

Jagmohan said...

It is a strong belief of mine that God (a power above us)help those who help others and it is true in case of Shekhawat ji that he and his son is fit &fine.
Jagmohan Papneja.