Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 1011

Pic of the Week
Her Royal Highness KIRAN DEVI, the Queen of Arorapur completes 46 years of rule over with Srichand Arora today. They got married on May 19, 1967.

Congratulations on your 46th Wedding Anniversary. Time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday and hopes for many tomorrows. --Jagmohan Papneja

My compliments to Arora-ji for braving the rule of his Queen for 46 years and obeying her! May the years to follow be also the same (LOL). --Harish Wadhwa


Jagmohan said...

Congratulations on your 46th Wedding Anniversary.This is a time to celebrate the joy of today.The memories of yesterday and the hope of tomorrow.
Jagmohan Papneja

Harish Wadhwa said...

My compliments to Arora-ji for braving the rule of the Queen for 46 years and obeying her !. May the years to follow be also the same...LOL