Friday, May 03, 2013

Pearls of Wisdom

Mutthu Krishnan
Our famous ‘Ungli Master’ has finally been shown his place. Coming into the Garden at least an hour earlier than usual, he would be the proverbial bull in the china shop sending his cronies running helter-skelter, screaming and abusing – all because of his uncontrollable urge to jab people in the tummy with his forefinger. He does not even realize how badly it hurts.
So Srichand Arora decided to educate him, starting with the usual, “Jai Sri Krishna!” greeting. Instantly, he became suspicious and wished Arora back, “Jai Sri Ram” – adding “Jai Sri Narayan”, “Jai Brahma”, “Jai Mahesh”…
Arora asked him what his name was.
“Mutthu Krishnan,” he replied proudly.
“What kind of a name is that? Mooth Krishnan?”
“Not mooth (urine), but moothu, meaning pearl.”
“But pearl is moti, not mooth!” Arora insisted. “Ask anybody!”
“You ask,” he retorted. “In my language pearl is mooth!”
Mumtaz Jahan's luddoo treat 
Razia Khan's jelly lozenges from Lonavala
“And what is piss in your language?”
Exasperated, the man beat a hasty retreat, even as Arora entreated him to spend some time and share some more pearls of wisdom in Tamil. Today Mutthu Krishnan showed up still earlier and disappeared before Arora could enter the Garden.
The big highlight of the day was of course, Mumtaz Jahan showing up after ages. She had brought a box of luddoos and was quickly followed by Razia Khan with a huge packet of jelly lozenges from a recent getaway to Lonavala.
Renu Babani:
Sweets, treats, what a fun day!

1 comment:

Renu said...

Pic Speak:
I am really a good man, just a bit loud and love attention!

Sweets, treats, what a fun day