Sunday, June 09, 2013

Day 1032

Pic of the Week
Even the dumper knows what exactly is to be done with this man.

But I thought a dumper is meant for dumping garbage? --Bhaswati Bose

Heave ho, away I go... Can anyone claim such a spectacular free drop to his destination? --Renu Babani

He has decided to buy a dumper out of personal choice and priority. This must be endorsed. --Jagmohan Papneja

I am being dumped by this stupid machine and you are all merrily posting comments? Please come forward and save me. Don't dump me (LOL) like this! They possibly mistook me to be a trouble maker at the chai session. Ask my Badmaash colleagues. --Harish Wadhwa

Harish-bhai, do you honestly want an answer to that? --Renu Babani


Bhaswati Bose said...

But I thought dumpers are used for dumping garbage...

Renu said...

Heave Ho..away I go; can anyone boast of such a special free ride! (destination...?)

Jagmohan said...

A flat or A dumper--which should I buy
first.The person in the pic.decided to
buy a Dumper rather than flat because
of his personal choice and priorities.
This should be endorsed.
Jagmohan Papneja.

Harish Wadhwa said...

I am being 'dumped' by this stupid machine, and you are all smiling and posting comments !. Please come forward and save me. Don't dump me !! LOL!!! They possibly mistook me to the trouble maker at the Chai session, while I am not. Ask my BC colleagues.

Renu said...

Harish you honestly want an answer to that?