Thursday, August 15, 2013

Independence Day 2013

NATIONAL ANTHEM: Celebrating the spirit of freedom and oneness under the Indian tricolour 
At 93 years, Lt. Gen (retd) P.Y.Khandare can barely stand, let alone walk. But on August 15 every year, he religiously visits the Garden in complete military regalia, the array of medals on his chest shining in the early morning sun.
Lt Gen (retd) P Y Khandare
Preparations for the event
“I come out of my house in full army uniform only on Independence Day,” the gunner in Royal British Army remarked.
Khandare did not join us on our march around the Garden today. Monthi Serrao was the flag bearer, leading more than 50 people, members and non-members like the legendary Pied Piper of Hamelin. The original plans were to troop out of the Garden en-masse with Srichand Arora at the head and return after a round of the Celebration Club junction. But with Arora backing out and Monthi taking charge of the banner, the plans were
Hoisting the tricolour
revised and on general consensus, the march was restricted around the walking track only.
It was a wise decision though.
Monthi Serrao leads the march
For, we could effectively secure the involvement of the entire Garden on this year's I-Day march and in the national anthem that followed. Many who could not have joined us (due to infirmity or other problems) left their seats one by one and trudged along, raising patriotic slogans, 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai'! It was a sight to behold – men and women, young and old following Monthi Serrao in a joyous expression of collective pride and oneness of purpose. Such moments come, but rarely in our lives.
The topping of the cake came in the end.
Ramila says it with prasad
Ramila Mistry distributed prasad she had brought back from her recent trip to Indore. Significantly, she was sporting a T-shirt with the Union Jack emblazoned in front, which raised some eyebrows and small talk during the exercises. Many felt that on a day celebrating India's freedom from the British, it was a tad inappropriate, little realizing that any restriction on personal dressing choices negates the very spirit of Independence. And so this was taken in good humour – something we have learnt to rejoice with robustness and maturity. To all Indians everywhere on the planet, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY once again.
Jagmohan Papneja:
May the spirit of freedom help us grow from strength to strength. Happy Independence Day.
Dilip Babani:
Happy Independence Day to everyone!


Jagmohan said...

May the spirit of freedom help us grow from strength to strength!
Happy Independence Day.
Jagmohan Papneja

dilip babani said...

happy indepenence day to everyone