Saturday, March 22, 2014

Class Monitor?

Santosh Tyagi
Ved Prakash Grover
In a telling throwback to the bad old days of school, an attempt was made today to install a ‘class monitor’ to rein in recalcitrant members (see yesterday’s post) during the exercises. “I propose Ved Prakash Grover’s name as class monitor,” Srichand Arora said this morning. “His job shall be to enforce discipline and take all disobedient members to task… even fining them if necessary.”
Expectedly, Grover tried to deflect the responsibility to “someone else”, although he was not altogether reluctant. Shekhawat became an obvious choice (because of his seniority), but Arora vetoed it down "because Shekhawat and Bhaswati Bose will be the biggest rule breakers” and cannot be relied upon for enforcing discipline.
Meanwhile, Santosh Tyagi’s name came up, but the moment she threatened to “bring a wooden ruler from tomorrow” and hit anybody who talks out of turn, everybody developed cold feet. Who wants to be hit on the bum with a ruler in the evening of their life? That too by a woman, however well-meaning she might be!
Sunita claims her receipt as the first to pay her subscription 
There was also the question of whether we should have one monitor or two – a lady to discipline the female members and a male to discipline the men. Both Grover and Santosh were found eminently suitable because of the love and respect they command and an impeccable record of being the most regular and punctual. But somehow, the general feeling was one monitor was bad enough, so why invite two? Ideally we should go for a toss of a coin to decide between Santosh and Grover. All this while Shekhawat, Razia Khan, Sunita Jajodia and other chronic chatterboxes stayed unusually subdued, watching as mute spectators.
Incidentally Sunita created history of sorts by being the first to pay her membership renewal fees for 2014-15, a clear one week in advance. Not to be left far behind, Arora instantly followed suit. So the collections of subscriptions have begun. But what’s to be noted was the eagerness of all members to pay up without being asked… and that too, in advance for a full year!
This clearly proves one thing: The pride and joy of 'belonging' to the Big Laaf club only grows with time.
Jagmohan Papneja:
I think the logical conclusion is that no matter how intelligent a strategy is, it means nothing if it can't be executed.

1 comment:

Jagmohan said...

I think logical conclusion should be no matter how intelligent the strategy is,it means nothing, if you can't execute it.
Jagmohan Papneja