Monday, March 24, 2014

Listless Monday

Arora leads the group out of the Garden
Another dull and uneventful Monday morning -- though partly due to Hari Singh Shekhawat’s absence. He has lost his brother. No sooner did he get the news yesterday than he booked the first available flight to Jaipur and together with his wife, had left around noon to attend the cremation.
BEREAVED: Shekhawat
He will be back after a fortnight – after observing the mandatory 13 days of mourning.
Even otherwise, these are bad times for the Club. Several members have reported sick owing to the change of season and sharp fluctuations in morning temperatures. Many are down with viral fever and suffering from breathing problems and chest congestion. These are common issues in Mumbai every year around this time. But since no one is getting any younger and as we become increasingly vulnerable, health concerns can only mount.
The other important reason for the general state of listlessness is that there is nothing major to look forward in the near future. Usually, when there is an event round the corner – some celebration, a picnic, awards... or like last week, the Holi festivity, all members become charged automatically. Everybody gets infused with renewed energy, which shows in the heavy turnout and the overall exuberance during the exercises. As of now, sadly, no such event is in the offing.
Jagmohan Papneja:
I am sorry to note the demise of Shekhawat-ji's brother. He has my deepest sympathies. My thoughts and prayer are with him. God Bless.
Harish Wadhwa:
My deepest condolences for your brother, Shekhawat-ji. May you get strength to bear the loss.


Jagmohan said...

I am sorry to note the sad demise of Shekhawat Ji's brother.He has my deepest sympathy.My thoughts and prayer are with him.God Bless.
Jagmohan Papneja

Harish Wadhwa said...

My deepest condolences for your brother, Shekhawat-ji. May you get strength to bear his loss.