Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Indeterminate Age

Eager-beavers want to know Karuna Waghmare's age
Karuna Waghmare turned a year older today. Her birthday was actually on October 25 -- last Sunday. But that’s hardly the point. What mattered most in the Garden as she celebrated this morning was the number of summers she had seen. Let alone the indecorous nature of the question, how her age could be of any concern to anyone anywhere remained unexplained.
Shekhawat was the most curious of the lot and soon after the clapping and singing the 'Happy Birthday' song, he popped the question. “Madam, what is your age?” he asked without preamble (in pic), hands folded and not batting an eye.
Birthday bite... from Manisha Kolhe  
Madam was about to blurt it out, but became guarded the moment she saw half a dozen faces leaning forward, eager to catch every word. She held herself back and joked that she’s still in her twenties and with Monthi Serrao prompting her to say that she had just turned 18
Karuna serves the goodies to the seated guests
(and “an adult”), the subject dissipated into inanities like, “She’s sweet 16!”
The matter would ordinarily have been put to rest there, but Mohar Singh wasn’t giving up. After a good ten minutes, he ambled up to her. “You must be around 50?” he hazarded, as though paying her a compliment. Karuna broke into a raucous laugh: “Ha-ha-ha, my jamai must have already crossed 50!”
Mohar Singh did not catch the joke. “Then how old are you?” he persisted like some clueless cop who had lost his mind. This time Fehmida Khan came to Karuna’s aid and sportingly tossed an absurd number to put Mohar Singh’s investigative efforts to an end.
Hilarious as this might all seem, the unprecedented probing into a lady member’s age proves just one thing: Karuna Waghmare neither looks nor behaves her age. She has an endearing quality of an unsuspecting child out to befriend everybody, often speaking abruptly out of turn, in staccato breaks, almost like making an announcement... Everybody loves her for this. Today, for instance, when she explained why she could not celebrate her birthday earlier, nobody really listened. It was how she said it -- her choice of words and mannerisms -- that everybody found more interesting.
May she retain her youthfulness, childlike innocence, great sense of humor and good health for many years to come.
Lt Col Angad Singh (from Mohali):
Do not ask a lady her age. She is as young as she looks and behaves. Never mind, the jamai raja will certainly break the news! Meanwhile, enjoy the treat gracefully.

1 comment:

Angad Singh said...

It only proves the old saying that do not ask a lady her age.
she is as young as she looks and behaves. Never mind the jamai raja will certainly break the news! Enjoy the treat gracefully.