Saturday, December 19, 2015

Festive Air

Kajal receives her birthday gift and a warm hug from Banoo Apa
The mercury dipped by another notch this morning, but attendance shot up. Being a Saturday, many drop-outs of the week showed up – Prabha Kapoor, Sitaram Hivarkar, Mohan Kanwar Shekhawat, Sheela Mirani, Banoo Apa
A festive air prevailed in the Garden with Srichand Arora and even the Chinese ta’i chi girls joining us later, after the exercises.
Most importantly, it was Kajal Babani’s birthday -- celebrated belatedly. For the first time we were unable to have the birthday desk calendar ready in time (her birthday was actually the day-before yesterday: see post) and we had requested her to drop by at her convenience for the presentation today.
Banoo Apa did the honors amid a round of applause, much cheering and showering of blessings on the beaming birthday babe.
Shekhawat however,
Yusuf R collects cash from Shekhawat and Monthi Serrao
nursed a grouse. He threatened to confiscate Kajal’s gift (seriously!) and at one point tried to make away with the calendar securely tucked under his shoulder, when he had to be stopped.
He simply could not come to terms with his picture not appearing even on a single page of the calendar. (This is rather unusual because Shekhawat is supposed to be omnipresent in Club photos.)
But how would walking away with Kajal’s calendar help in any way defies logic.
Before long, Shekhawat lost interest in the calendar (naturally!) and stood beside a bench, doling out cash. Yes, cash. To some he gave away five rupees, to some 700 rupees, others 540 rupees… Many received nothing at all. And the one collaborator in this act of selective benevolence was Monthi Serrao.
Arbitrarily they palmed off money to just about anybody who caught their fancy, not even taking a receipt (or signature) in return and refusing those whose face they did not like -- particularly those wearing spectacles.
Nobody had any clue what was going on.
Later, much later, it transpired that they were refunding cash to those who had overpaid for the last South India trip.

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