Saturday, February 13, 2016

Stolen Pleasures

Sunita Jajodia receives calendar
Banoo Apa gifts Santosh Tyagi
Arora greets Mr and Mrs Angad Singh 
Forbidden fruit, they say, is the sweetest. The thrill and the joy of doing what you are not supposed to and then, not getting caught is something that cannot be described in words. It has to be experienced – as we did this morning when Santosh Tyagi celebrated her birthday,
PARTY TIME: Santosh Tyagi plays the gracious hostess
defying a recently imposed embargo on food and beverages inside the Garden.
We bravely had samosas and batata-wada, cake slices, matthis, potato wafers and gulab-jamuns followed by hot tea and did not get caught. It was much like the good old days – a sumptuous spread, tastefully served and consumed at leisure. Nothing could have been better.
Earlier, Banoo Apa presented Santosh a personal gift and the customary desk calendar on behalf of the Club. Srichand Arora gifted Lt Col Angad Singh another desk calendar (since he is unlikely to be here on his birthday in April) while Shekhawat presented Sunita Jajodia the third desk calendar of the morning. It was also an opportunity for us to be introduced to Mrs Angad Singh.
For today’s celebration, one person (apart from Santosh) who deserves special mention is Kiran Prakash. He was instrumental in giving her the moral courage (see post of February 6) to celebrate her birthday the way she wished and the rest be damned. Santosh took his advice in total faith and we became all the wiser for it.
Lt Col Angad Singh (retd):
The gravy friendship of Club members is great. It draws people of all hues from far and near. Enjoy when it is enjoyable!

1 comment:

Angad Singh said...

The gravy friendship of Laafter Club members is great. It pulls people of all hue from far and near. Enjoy when it is enjoyable.