Sunday, July 23, 2017

DAY 2314

Pic of the Week
Lovely photo. Geeta always takes care of dogs. The dog looks at her as he wants to be loved by her. Geeta always gives biscuits to the dog. And the dog goes after Geeta as he knows that he will get something to eat. The dog knows about good people and bad people. --Dilip Babani

Looks like the yoga teacher is asking a new student: "What is your name?" --Bihari Milwani

Hi Geeta, what are you teaching the dog? Concentration? --Siba Prasad Maitra

Yessssss! 😂😂 --Geeta Latte


Bihari Milwani said...
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lovely photo. geeta always take care of dog and dog also looks at her as he wanted to be loved by her.geeta always gives biscuit to dog and dog also go after geeta as he knew that he will get something to knows about good people and bad people.

Bihari Milwani said...

Looks like Yoga teacher is asking her new student "What is your name?"

sibaprasad said...

Hi Geeta, What you are teaching? Concentration?

Geeta Latte said...

Yes 😂😂