Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Broken Bones?

Bijoy Gupta (pic by
Bihari Milwani)
Shekhawat (in Rajasthan)
There’s been no news from Shekhawat since he left for his village last Tuesday (see post of April 2). This is rather unusual. Never before has he let a full week pass without touching base and inquiring about the latest from the Garden.
The silence this time has been deafening, especially for bosom pal Bijoy ‘Gudhri ka Lal’ Gupta, who floated the story of Shekhawat hitching a free ride (ref post of April 3) on a ramshackle delivery truck carrying medical supplies to Rajasthan. “All the bones of his body must have been broken to bits after the journey,” Gupta speculated. “Otherwise why is he not contacting us?”
To allay his fears a call was made this morning to Shekhawat, soon after the exercises. “I am doing great,” his voice crackled at the other end. “It is terribly hot out here, but I have fitted my room with an air cooler. So I don’t get to suffer the heat.”
Gupta was not convinced. He snatched the phone and asked Shekhawat point blank: “Are you sure the bones of your body
Sitaram Hivarkar (c) dropped by to conduct the prayers... like good old days
are intact? We were all worried since you did not call on reaching Rajasthan. Never again should you undertake such a long journey on a delivery truck. You are lucky to be still in one piece…”
The ‘advice’ coming from Gupta early morning must have rattled Shekhawat for there was a protracted silence afterwards. “No, I am serious,” continued Gupta. “You are no longer a young man to be travelling long-distance by truck. Listen to me, take a train on your way back to Mumbai. Better still, catch a plane and travel comfortably.”
Somehow, Gupta is convinced that Shekhawat was lying to him on phone – or so was the impression he tried to convey: “He is in pretty bad shape, but does not want to admit. I could make out because his voice sounded very feeble. Maybe his bones aren’t broken yet, but surely he is badly shaken up inside!”

Bihari Milwani:
Gupta-ji must have sent Fevicol by courier to Shekhawat to mend the broken bones!

1 comment:

Bihari Milwani said...

i trust Guptaji has sent Fevicol by courier to Shekhawat to join the broken bones