Friday, May 03, 2019

Depleting Strength

Rukhsana Khan
With each passing day, our collective strength has been on a decline at the Garden. But this is only expected. We are in the month of May and the weather is supposed to be extremely torrid and hostile. This is no time to exert yourself and exercise.
But the worst is yet to come. In less than a week, attendance would crash even further with the onset of the holy month of Ramzaan.
Fahmida Khan's grand-daughter, Saliha (standing) treats us to sweets on
being promoted to Class VI in school
In the past, some lady members could still make it to the Garden while keeping fast. But now, with age catching up, that level of commitment towards the exercises is severely lacking among our fitness fiends. Many like Rukhsana Khan have indirectly conveyed to us that their next visit to the Garden will be only after Ramzaan.
But even that looks uncertain, the way things are going this year. Ramzaan ends on the first week on June -- bang on time for the first monsoon thundershowers to descend. So even if there are people are inclined to visit the Garden, conditions may not be conducive – particularly for those who are infirm and staying at a distance.
Effectively, the Club is now at the threshold of an extended lull. Monsoon in Mumbai usually lasts till end-August or early-September – which means continued absenteeism and an indefinite cessation of all activities (other than the daily exercises). Only after five months, around October, can we expect a semblance of normalcy to return to the Garden.

Lt Col Angad Singh (rtd):
During the summer months, not many members are expected to be present for the regular exercises. The religious fasting during Ramzaan also take precedence. It is just so unfortunate that we shall be missing a number of our members at this time of the year.

1 comment:

Angad Singh said...

During summer and sultry season it is not expected for many of the members tobe present for laughing and regular exercises. The religious festivities take precedence and one has to follow those rituals. It is unfortunate that during these days we will be missing a number of our members.