Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Farewell 2019

Last day of the year at the Garden: Happy Birthday SIBA PRASAD MAITRA
We bid farewell to 2019 by ushering in Siba Prasad Maitra’s birthday. Yusuf Rassiwala and Banoo Apa jointly presented him the birthday calendar on behalf of the Club while the rest of us raised the customary ‘fourth laugh’ after the exercises and sang the birthday song. Bihari Milwani described this as a ‘Vat 69’ occasion. Now, go figure!
Banoo Apa and Yusuf Rassiwala present calendar
Curious members poring in the birthday calendar
Meanwhile, our biggest achievement of the morning was junking the Borivali National Park picnic slated for January 5 (ref yesterday’s post). We realised that it would involve too many logistical and coordination problems, prompting many to opt out on one pretext or the other. Rather than get into a thankless exercise, Maitra suggested a more
Handing food boxes to all members
Banoo Apa treats us to hot-hot tea.
practical and manageable alternative – an informal get-together within
his building complex. And since our objective was to celebrate New Year, why not have the party on January 1 itself?
The proposal found instant approval and a spot decision was taken to gather tomorrow evening at the Link Garden Towers compound where arrangements for a cosy dinner party replete with a music system, speakers, lights and the works would be made in advance. Maitra booked the place on phone and after consulting the members present, he placed an order for the evening menu with a known caterer. Shekhawat offered to bring in the booze. Everyone agreed that this should be a strictly contributory party, open to members only. “Nothing can be any better than this for a New Year’s bash,” chirped Bijoy Gupta, echoing the general sentiment. Full credit to Siba Prasad Maitra.

Bihari Milwani:
Credit for the New Year party should go to VAT 69 which gave this new idea to Mr Maitra.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Credit for the new year party should go to VAT 69 which gave new ideas ti Mr. Masitra