Saturday, January 14, 2012


‘Reliving their childhood’ is a much-flogged cliché; but it bears repetition when it concerns two individuals – Srichand Arora (in striped T-shirt) and Hari Naraiyani (in brown safari suit). Many tend to be intimidated by them, partly out of deference to their age and mainly due to their unpredictable ways. But left to themselves, both are simply adorable kids capable of pulling off bizarre pranks that would make any school boy blush.
During the laughter round today, Arora fished a white mobile out of his pocket and tuned on some music. Noticing that Hari-bhai (standing next to him) had an eye on the gadget, he promptly put it into Hari-bhai's safari suit pocket. The mobile was three-fourths jutting out and Hari-bhai kept glowering at it, utterly confused, as though it had a life of its own. Then, after great hesitation, he gingerly plucked it out and transferred it into his right pocket – only to muffle the volume.
This got him all the more perplexed and having long stopped his exercises, he silently kept staring at the vibrating mobile, obviously expecting it to take flight. But more than his look of confusion, Arora’s amused expression at putting Hari-bhai in a spot was a sight to behold – more so, with Nafisa Sayed egging him from the other side to take back the mobile before it stopped playing. Soon Shekhawat also raised an alarm that Hari-bhai would ruin the mobile and Arora had to take it back.
But Hari-bhai wasn’t letting go Arora easily. From the moment he took charge of the free-hand exercises, Hari-bhai kept needling him for going too slow and wasting time on “useless talk”, as a result of which, he would miss his breakfast. Arora was actually in the mood of exchanging notes on Indore with Razia Khan (above, left). Both grew up in the same city and had much to talk about, thereby interrupting the exercises. And then came Harish Wadhwa, another product of Indore and the conversation became more intense, making Hari-bhai (and Sunita Jajodia) now worry about missing lunch also – even as Yusuf Rassiwala urged everybody to be patient with “people from Indore” because “we are from outdoor”! Ultimately, the Indore talk had to be extended to the tea session after the exercises – outside the Garden.
Renu Babani:
Oh my God! How on earth did the Badmaash Company get Sunita-ji to join them for tea? This is a first and definitely a feather in the cap for you guys!
Harish Wadhwa:
* She (Sunita-ji) admitted that all of us had a genuinely hearty laugh at Chai than at the Garden.
* Everyone, no matter who we talk about, has a badmaash side to his/her personality. It is different that no one admits it. After all, we are all decent beings at heart!


Anonymous said...

Renu Babani says: OMG! How on earth did the Badmaash Company get Sunitaji to join them for tea? This is a first and definitely a feather in the cap for you guys!

Harish Wadhwa said...

Everyone, no matter who we talk about, has a Badmaash side of his/her personality. It is different that no one admits it. After all we are all decent human beings at heart !

Harish Wadhwa said...

She admitted that each one of us had a genuine hearty laugh, at Chai than at the Garden.