Monday, September 23, 2019

Operation Successful

Survived the surgery
Doesn’t this person remind you of someone? Haven’t we met him somewhere before? Or is this some kind of a joke... about a mythical story-book pirate disguising himself by discarding his black eye-patch?
Well, Kiran Prakash didn’t have much of a choice in choosing the color of his eye-shield after going under the knife last Saturday. The good news is that the surgery (ref post of August 21) has been a success and he is back home, recuperating.
“It was a major operation,” informed Kiran Prakash on phone. “I was under the impression that they would surgically tighten the ligaments and get the corneal lens in place. But they actually opened up my eye and replaced the lens. Can you imagine!
Kiran Prakash is not in pain but suffers from acute
Happy start to a new week
discomfort (which is not unusual). He has been told that he will regain vision after 10 days or so. Till then he has to observe certain precautions such as not bending down or picking up weight, sneezing, even coughing, and straining his eye by watching TV, mobile screens or using the laptop.
Worse still, he cannot risk getting outdoors lest he be exposed to dust particles/ pollutants or perhaps, inadvertently suffer a jerky movement that might cause some displacement. In this state of being virtually under house arrest, his only solace is listening to soothing music and catching up with audio books on his earphones.
“It would take a month at least to recover completely and resume normal activity,” Kiran Prakash quoted the surgeon who operated on him. “Even then, I will not get back my vision 100 per cent. It will be about 90 per cent. The most important thing is that the doctor is satisfied by the surgery.”
We look forward to Kiran Prakash getting back to his feet at the earliest and surprising us with a visit in the Garden.

Karun Sharma:
Oh God! This is definitely a very critical surgery. Kiran-ji should take all precautions to get back to a normal healthy life. There are lots of positive things insofar as surgery is concerned, but I would request Kiran-ji to follow all instructions sincerely. I need to be at Guwahati till September 29. Or else, I would have visited him by now.

Bihari Milwani:
I sincerely wish that before Lord Rama returns to Ayodhya in October our KP would return to our laughter club.


Unknown said...

I sincerely wish that before Lord Rama returns to Ayudhaya on 27th October 2019 our KP returns to our Laughter club

Karun H Sharma said...

Oh God. This is definitely a very critical surgery and Kiran Ji must take all prescribed precautions to get back to normal healthy life style. There are lots of positive things as surgery is concerned but would request Kiran Ji to observe precautions sincerely. I am at Guwahati till 29th, otherwise would have visited you.