Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Old Age Blues

Bijoy Gupta is in distress
Bijoy Gupta raised a scare minutes after the exercises got off this morning. Hands on his waist and panting, he complained of excruciating pain in the stomach region and that he could not even stand. He was sweating profusely. We offered to summon medical help or drop him home, whatever he chose. He declined, saying that he would rather sit through the exercises on a bench.
Turned out that he was experiencing muscular spasms owing to extreme dehydration. He had come to the Garden early at 6:30 a.m. (half an hour before we start) and as has been his practice, indulged in some vigorous exercises. Adding to his misery was the humidity in the air and he had already exhausted his bottle of drinking water. He cannot take refrigerated water (on medical advice) from the water cooler in the Garden. He needed tea, he said.
Oddly enough, Shekhawat dismissed the plight of his friend saying that it was all a sign of old age. According to him, there no need for a vigorous workout early morning
Siba Prasad Maitra assures us that all is well
as our exercises were adequate enough for him. “Listen to your body,” he advised Gupta. “It is time for you to slow down.” Gupta was in no state to reply.
Minutes earlier, Naveen Bhai, a loudmouth in the Garden was heard talking about the physical constraints of old age while passing by on the walking track. “Budhapa bekar hai,” the 78-year-old concluded prompting a burst of laughter in our group with Nahid Khan repeating those words.
To his credit though, Naveen-bhai looks and behaves in a manner belying his age. He colours his hair, talks like a teenager, is always cheerful and walks around without support after a major hip surgery recently. In short, a jolly good fellow and an inspiration to many.
On a positive note, Siba Prasad Maitra gave us a pleasant surprise, as he turned up looking hale and hearty for the exercises. Barely 24 hours earlier, he underwent a serious medical procedure (ref post of November 18) for which he was hospitalised. He assured us that all had gone off well and there’s now nothing to worry.

Karun Sharma:
Oh, I met Maitra-ji on my way out but forgot to inquire about his health. Get well soon. Or are you already well?

1 comment:

Karun H Sharma said...

Oh, I met Maitra Ji on my way out but forgot to inquire about his health. Get well soon or you are already well.